Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell

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Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell
  1. Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell Terrier
  2. Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell Crowe

We are amoung a growing number of breeders who have discovered and fallen in love with the Black and Tan shorty or Hunt Terrier. These are some of the sweetest dogs we own. We invite you to visit our dogs, see the quality of our short legged Jack Russells and let us share the joy of owning an English Jack Russell Terrier or an American Hunt. American Hunt Terrier Club Association breed standard. Black and tan hunt terriers also know as the black and tan jack Russell terrier can be also be red. They are short legged with great temperments. They make wonderful working dogs or family pets. Anything that might be referred to as a mini Jack Russell is most probably a short legged Jack Russell or a crossbreed with some other miniature breed. The Difference Between a Short Legged Jack Russell and a Miniature Jack Russell Many people are confused about what should be referred to as a mini Jack Russell.

Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell Terrier

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General Appearance:
Well balanced, small, yet strong, agile terrier that is a little longer than tall. Chest is deeper than wide, legs are well muscled and half the terrier’s height. The
Bold and notoriously fearless, loyal, friendly, active and alert. His swift and intelligent movements match his intelligent expression.
This is a high energy breed, happiest in an environment where there is lots of regular activity.
The mature terrier range in height from 8 to 12 inches, measured at the withers with the dog standing fully erect, 10 to 12 inches being “ideal”. The mature
The head is proportionate to the size of the body. The skull is flat and moderately broad tapering towards the muzzle. The skull and muzzle are parallel.
Muzzle and Teeth:
Strong and powerful. There is a minimum of falling away under the eye giving a moderate chiseled scissors bite. The lips are tight and fully pigmented
Deep-set, dark, and almond shaped. Eyelids are tight and fully pigmented black/brown.
V-Shaped button drop ears of great mobility. Ear leather is soft and fine. Ears may be erect but not desired.
The neck is strong and muscular allowing the head to be carried with poise. Gradually widens from the nape and blends smoothly into the shoulders. Length
A properly proportioned Hunt Terrier is slightly longer than tall. The length of back from withers to set-on of tail is slightly longer than the height, measured
without so much depth and width that the dog is encumbered underground. The well-sprung ribs extend well back, but must be capable of being spanned
Shoulders are long, sloping, smoothly muscled, and well laid back. The upper arm is sufficiently long to ensure that the elbows are set well under the body,
the body, but able to move freely in action. The pasterns are short, powerful, straight, and flexible. When viewed in profile, the pasterns are nearly erect.
The hindquarters are strong and muscular. The bone, angulations, and musculature of the hindquarters are in balance with the forequarters. The stifles are
rear, parallel to one another.
The feet are fairly rounded, moderately small, well arched, and tight. Pads are hard, tough, and well cushioned. Dewclaws may be removed.
The tail is set on high and customarily docked to a length so that the tip of the tail is level with the top of the ears. When moving or alert, the tail may be
The Hunt Terrier moves with a jaunty, confident attitude, conveying the character of the breed. When trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth, powerful, and well
Viewed from any position, legs turn neither in nor out, nor do feet cross or interfere with each other. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward
The Hunt Terrier comes in three coat types, rough, broken, and smooth. All are dense, hard, and weather resistant covering the entire dog, including the
Solid red, solid tan (from a chocolate brown to a light lemon tan), true chocolate, solid black, or black with tan or red points are acceptable colors for a Hunt
including the chest and feet.
Any departure from the Hunt Terrier Breed Standard should be considered a fault.
The following faults should be penalized:
- Lack of true characteristics of a terrier: nervousness, cowardice, overly-aggressive
- Lack of balance, any over-exaggeration of any point
- Sluggish or unsound movements
- Faulty mouth, weak bite, minor physical deformities
Extreme viciousness, shyness or major physical deformities.
The following faults are considered to be so serious that terriers having them are not to be used for breeding:
- Undershot or overbites
- Luxating patellas
- More than 10% white.

Black And Tan Miniature Jack Russell Crowe

The American Hunt Terrier Club Association has been established to register and promote the highly intelligent and loyal Hunt Terrier.
Hunt Terriers have also been referred to as Black and Tan Terriers, Red Terriers, and Solid Colored Jack Russell Terriers.
In 1995, The Hunt Terrier Club of America was formed; however, at the beginning of 2008, they revised their charter to accept a much wider variety of
American Hunt Terrier Breed Standard
We invite you to browse our website to learn more about this loyal breed.
We are sure you will begin to enjoy these little dogs as much as we do.
If you are looking for a Hunt Terrier puppy, the
breeder referral page highlights approved breeders listed by state.
If you are interested in one of these keen little dogs, check out their sites!
We are hoping you enjoy this site. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to
contact us.
Thank you and come back again!
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